Still EBF, return to work looming

A while back (when LB was about 5 months) I attended a baby weaning course. I’d done a bit of reading about weaning, thought I’d go the baby led weaning route, avoid the purees that most likely contain ingredients I’ve never heard of, or would rather not give. I also wanted to ask about baby rice and arsenic poisoning and get some reassurance that when I went back to work, when my LB would be 8 months that he would be getting enough food. “Absolutely” I was told, he’ll be eating all sorts by then…

So, the time has nearly come to return to work almost full time (4 days, from 7:30 – 4:30).

My baby still doesn’t eat. I’ve tried all manner of things. He purses his lips and pushes his head against the back rest on the high chair!

It would be easy for me to have a complete panic, but feel it’s probably more useful to keep calm and carry on. I had initially planned on pumping at work, to give to nursery the following day. This looks like it might be a false economy, the time I spend pumping, I could probably better use doing work, so that when I come home I can spend quality time with my LB – so I’m choosing formula for days when I can’t be there and knowing that I will still continue to breastfeed before/after work and overnight.

Will update once I’m back to work to hopefully reassure that if you’re in a similar position everything will be ok! 🤞

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